Calling all SLPs, OTs, & PTs! 


Discover how to increase your income, decrease your work hours, and actually have a healthy work-life balance through PASSIVE INCOME. 


I can't wait to show you the most effective way to earn passive income and achieve greater freedom, flexibility, and at the ScaleSmart Academy!



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Let's Hear From People We've Worked With...

Hannah was instrumental in the success of my online business and it wouldn't be what it is today without her...

With her guidance, course creation tools, systems, knowledge, and skills, Hannah helped me brainstorm ideas to organize and launch my courses and products. She understands the SLP, marketing, and digital product worlds. Working with Hannah was one of the very best decisions I made in my business!

- Alexandria Zachos, MS, CCC-SLP/L, Meaningful Speech™

I cannot say enough positive things about working with Hannah...

She supported me as a creator with focus, strategic marketing, and mindset. I saw the return on investment within the first week of implementing her recommendations!

-- Elise Mitchell, M.S., CCC-SLP, The Therapist Support Network

Hello, fellow entrepreneurs!

Since you are here with me at the ScaleSmart Academy, I am guessing that...


You are ready to scale your business without adding more therapy clients to your schedule.  


You also understand there is a huge need for your skills and knowledge and people looking for a more accessible way to learn from an expert like you. 

And you're feeling...



Your work is creeping into your personal life and taking away from time with family.


Because you can't take time off without losing money. Time off = no clients = no money.


You’ve also realized you’re the bottleneck in your business growth…and you don't have more time or energy to see more clients so you can increase your income.


You know the truth about hiring is that it doesn’t actually bring in more profits, it just adds more work.


I get it!


Your business growth and income have plateaued...

your work-life balance is no longer no longer exists or is out of whack, 

and you dream of the day you can take time off from therapy and still earn money.


I have been there.

I was tired, working long hours, and spending weekends catching up on work instead of enjoying time with family. 

My mental and physical health suffered, and I wondered if I should throw in the towel on running a business. 


But my family needed my income, my clients needed my services, and my dreams to help people needed to be fulfilled. 


That is when I dove headfirst into learning everything I could about passive income. And over the past 4 years my course profits + my successful clients have all shown me… 


Online courses are the fastest way to add passive income to your business, allowing you to earn more money, have more freedom and flexibility, and make a bigger impact on your community. … 

That is why I am going to make it easy & efficient for you to create your own online course so can...

  • Trying to see more clients to make more money
  • Giving up your free time to run your business
  • Losing money when you take time off
  • Regretting going into business for yourself
  • Feelin like you can't serve everyone who needs your skills
  • Believing growth only comes from hiring

That is why I am going to make it easy & efficient for you to create your own online course so can…

  • Trying to see more clients to make more money
  • Giving up your free time to run your business
  • Losing money when you take time off
  • Regretting going into business for yourself
  • Feel like you can't serve everyone who needs your skills
  • Believing growth only comes from hiring
  • How to start earning money off the clock
  • The best way to establish passive income so you can spend more time with your friends and family
  • Have the flexibility to take time off and not suffer a huge revenue loss
  • Get your freedom back
  • Create a product that can scale your income exponentially 
  • And have a bigger impact
Join the Waitlist!

 So how do you stop trading time for dollars? How do you have an even bigger impact?


(whether that is running a business, training professionals, coaching caregivers, or working with clients) and CONVERTING IT INTO A PASSIVE REVENUE STREAM.

P.S. This is NOT an online course like any other you've seen or taken!


 Where I have created the step-by-step process to creating your first (or next) online course.

ScaleSmart Academy isn’t an “online course” like all the others you may have come across. 

This is a live, 8-week, get-it-done-together workshop that WILL CHANGE YOUR BUSINESS & HOW YOU EARN MONEY

by creating a proven passive income stream.

Join me Live (or watch the replays) to go from burnt out to earning money while you sleep. You will be guided from start to finish through…

  • Discovering how your skills and knowledge translate into an online course
  • Identifying who has a need for your product and is ready to buy
  • How to reach your target audience and grow your following
  • Mapping out your course
  • Selecting a hosting platform
  • Creating a marketing plan
  • Setting up your first sales funnel
  • And making your first sale!

+ Here's what is inside the ScaleSmart Academy +

MODULE #1: Let's Look at The Big Picture

Making a plan and knowing where you are headed is the first step in arriving at your destination...passive income!

It all begins with a live kick-off call to get things going!

  • Make a plan to move through this course
  • Draft your Vision Statement
  • Define your long-term and short-term goals
MODULE #2: Identifying Your Audience

Knowing who needs your help and who you are speaking to is the first step in creating a course. And don’t worry, you don’t have to come into ScaleSmart Academy knowing this! 

  • Identify all of the audiences in your business
  • Consider your areas of expertise and passion
  • Understanding what it means to Niche
  • Select an audience who needs your help
MODULE #3: Solving People's Problems & Selecting Your Course Topic

Every day, you solve problems for people. In this module, I will walk you through the process of identifying the problems that keep your audience awake at night…the ones they are willing to pay to solve.

  • Identify the problems you are excited to solve 
  • Determine who has an above-average need for your help
  • Select your course topic!
MODULE #4: Growing Your Audience

Before we dive deep into course creation, we are going to jump-start your list-building using our proven freebie process. 

  • Identify all the ways you can reach your audience
  • Understand how freebies work
  • Create a valuable piece of content that will effectively grow your audience
  • Learn how to set up a basic funnel
MODULE #5: Online Courses 101

Let’s break down online courses so you can start making a plan for how to take your ideas, skills, and expertise and repackage them into an accessible and profitable course.

  • Learn what to include in a course
  • Understand course formats and methods for delivering your content
  • Learn about the various course platforms to select the right one for your needs and budget
MODULE #6: Mapping Out Your Course Content

Use our proven tools to map out your course content. We will go from a big-picture outline to a detailed course Matrix so you are clear on exactly what you’re teaching.

  • Determine how you will guide your audience from problem to solution
  • Use our Course Creation Matrix™ to organize the details of your course so creation and marketing are a breeze
  • Calculate the value of your course and set your pricing
MODULE #7: Your First Sales!

Use our "Validate IT Before You Make IT" marketing strategy to start making your first sales before you even build out the course! Imagine the motivation when you have money coming in as you move through the process of building your product!

  • Set your minimum and target sales goals
  • Determine how you will deliver the first version of your course
  • Map out your plan
  • Set up a simple sales funnel
Bonus Integration and Q&A Calls

Throughout the process, we will add bonus calls to help you stay accountable, troubleshoot and debrief, and answer your questions. 

  • Navigate common mindset blocks about calling yourself an "expert"
  • Overcome fears about being on camera
  • Change your mindset around "selling"
  • Ask questions and feel supported as you create your course

And let's not forget about....


Ensure your marketing is on-point. Learn basic Canva design tips for your freebies, mock-ups, social media posts, and more. We will also share course mock-up templates!


When it comes time to market your course, a winning sales page will work wonders for bringing in those sales. Grab our Sales Page Outline to guide your design and content.



Creating a community to engage your audience or students is a great way to add a lot of value to your product. It also allows personal access to the people you are building relationships with. 


Join the Waitlist!

The processes and tools Hannah provided me with were invaluable in helping me create my course....

If you are considering creating an online course, then Hannah is the only person to guide you! She brings her clients the most up-to-date information in the online course space. She is extremely relatable and was very good at listening to my goals to guide me to the successful completion of the process. The processes and tools she provided me with were invaluable in helping me create my course. Once my course was built, she was exceptional at providing ideas on how to market and target my audience. Hannah’s process is extremely organized and easy to use. I highly recommend working with her!

-Keisha Nolan, M.A., CCC-SLP, COM®, Mastering Myo

It was priceless to have a partner in this process...

The idea of doing something perfect often keeps me from doing it at all. But Hannah is the queen of “action over perfection”— the type of person we need to get our ideas out into the world! Hannah provided me with a place to springboard my ideas and the tools and processes to organize my ideas into a successful mini-course. She also took away all the stress of figuring out how to make it work on the back end because she’d done it so many times before. It was priceless to have a partner in this process— especially one who knows therapy, marketing, and business the way Hannah does. 

--Shyanne Heise, MA, CCC-SLP, Zoah Speech & Outreach

Hi, I'm Hannah,

A pediatric speech therapist, marketing expert, and digital product creator here at Cued Creative.

As therapists, we give so much of ourselves every day, and there comes a point where our business growth plateaus because we run out of time, energy, or both. I’ve been there.

In 2020, I was working 80 hours a week, rushing headfirst into burnout. Eventually, this meant my mental and physical health suffered, my family suffered—my whole life started suffering. And I realized my business was running my life, and I needed a change.

That’s when I stepped into the world of passive income. Since that time, I have invested 1000's of hours learning the secrets to creating, marketing, and scaling online courses.

I have created online courses and digital products for our company, and I've had the opportunity to support incredible professionals like Alexandra Zachos from Meaningful Speech™, Keisha Nolan from Mastering Myo, Elise Mitchell from The Therapist Support Network, and even our own Shyanne Heise, who created a mini-course that had a massively successful launch this past month.

The thing I now know about passive income is that it doesn't just bring us more money and flexibility…often one of the reasons we started businesses in the first place…but passive income also means we get to earn more money while also having a bigger impact. It's a game-changer. And for me personally, selling online courses helped me earn back my free time and gain the flexibility to travel, take care of myself, and spend more time with my family. And that is my dream for you too.

So, I’m here to share everything I’ve learned with you so you can break free from the endless cycle of trading time for money. It’s time to reclaim your life, find your balance, and earn more while working less.

Join me at ScaleSmart Academy and start your journey towards a better work-life balance and greater financial freedom today!








Hey SLPs, OTs, & PTs, let's create passive income so you can stop trading time for money!

By creating an online course WITH THE SAME SKILLS YOU USE EVERY DAY to bring you more money, more time, and more impact. And all in a way that has exponential growth.
I’ve invested 1000’s of hours learning how to effectively create online courses, figuring it all out so you don't have to! 
Using my tried-and-true process, I have created several courses that have earned me over 6 figures, plus I have guided many successful therapists through the process.
And now I am going to guide you through the same process!
Join the Waitlist for the Next Round!

Your Most Important Questions, Answered.









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